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Your Course(s)

Course NameStart DateEnd DateSiteTotal Fees
Level 2 in Travel and Tourism01/08/202431/07/2025Middlehaven (Main Building)£0.00

Application Form

Personal Details

Further Details


Personal Details

First Forename
Date Of Birth


Email (Please enter again)
What is your ethnicity
What is your country of residence
What is your first language?
Will you have lived continuously in the UK/EU or EEA for more than 3 years on the first day of your course?

If you have not been a resident of the EU/UK/EEA for 3 years you may not be entitled to funding - we will need to collect more information from you to determine your eligbility

Visa Type
Date of Entry into the UK (If non UK or EU resident)
What country did you arrive from?
Visa Expiry Date


House number and street name
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4

Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Emergency Contact Phone number
Emergency Contact Email Address
Do you live with this contact?

Learner Support

Do you have any disabilities or learning difficulties?
Looked After?

Are you currently in care or have you recently left the care of the Local Authority

If you can't find the course you want, or you have a query about a course, enrolment or fees please call 01642 333333, or email